Educate. Evolve. Elevate.

Engaging Teaching & Research as Praxis and Acts of Service

Research Projects

Mental illness & stigma

This research project aimed to generate situated and contextualised knowledge about the experience of living with mental illness. The research team used photovoice, a method that engages participants to collect data about their lived experiences through photography. Photovoice facilitates social action informed by a partnership between research participants and a researcher or research team in data collection and data analysis.

Young People & HIV

In the Silence of my Skin was a youth participatory action research project that explored HIV disclosure. In this study, young people ages 14 through 25 were engaged in all aspects of the research, including data collection (photovoice, focus groups, in-depth interviews), data analysis (constructivist grounded theory, coding, thematic anaylsis), writing-up study findings (identifying/creating conceptual categories and constructing report narratives) and dissemination (photovoice exhibition and documentary).

Of Queens & Crowns: Unraveling Survival

An upcoming arts-based research project that uses collaborative art-making, therapeutic story-making, and photography to explore resilience among women from the Caribbean and its diaspora.

Arts-Based Autoethnography

Un/becoming Academic is a three-part art and poetry series produced through autoethnographic inquiry. It explores upward toxicity, identity-building, and dimensions of connecting while being disconnected. I use art-making to carve a space to imagine embodying generativity, honesty, creativity, and unboundedness within the academy. Un/becoming Academic has been and continues to be the space in which I locate the self as I work towards producing research that liberates and confronts oppression.

Rage - Acrylics on aqua-board - 16 X 20“

my work is unpacking the nuances of being me in this form

my work is the Stranger meeting the Familiar

the Familiar making the strange Stranger

my work is discovering anew what has always been known to me

unlearning language that gutted our mothers speaking her rage

Holding Space Acrylics on aqua-board - 16 X 20“

my work is the alchemy of self (re)membered

my work is ours,

theirs, mine,

my work is not your social science

Unmask Mixed-media & acrylics on canvas - 16 X 30”

my work is actual work

a toiling with people walking through the realities of the politics of being

my work is coming back to me in communion with you coming back to you

my work is a science of unknowing

my work is a science of service